Week Six - Patience

Week Six - Patience


Patience is a power by Sadé LlerrafSo I've been wondering what to focus this weeks topic on and to be honest this week is probably going to be a short one, I am currently writing this as I am standing at the bus stop waiting for yet another late bus to turn up on my commute home.As I am standing here I am trying my best to remain patient but in all honesty I don't have none of it.I feel like I spend a lot of my life waiting, waiting for the next big milestone in both business and life, thats a certain anyway when it comes to commute to work. I have been blessed with the unluckiness of not having any of my means of travel coincide with each other and to be honest it just pisses me off.Regularly on my commute to work you will see me running, running to miss a train, running to miss a bus its the only time you will ever see me running, and then I'm blessed with having to stand on both platforms for up to 30 minutes waiting for my next mode of arrival.I've realised the hard way that this issue is not going to change so I need to practice more patience instead of becoming irritated all the time. I get so irritated by it as I see it as wasted time, there is never enough hours in the day to get my jobs done so I have started to try and bring resources along with me during my daily commute so that I do not feel like I am wasting time, such as a book or resources to write this blog.

Another way I am trying to cultivate more patience is by trying to eradicate my irritability by developing a more positive mindset without having a positive mindset I would have given up my business years ago. I try to view setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than failures. This mindset helps me to promote resilience and encourages perseverance when faced with challenges.

When I look to other areas of my life whether that be relationships, business, creativity having a little patience to be able to just stop, wait listen and understand probably could be very beneficial. 

So many of us are always so impatient, myself included and we just want to race to the next big thing in life wanting to reach our next milestone and forget to enjoy the one thing that is so precious just life. I do this particularly with my son so excited for him to start crawling then eager for him to walk and right now I am waiting for him to start talking. But we fail to reflect and just live in the moment. 

When I go through his newborn photographs those moments of his first year I miss them and didn't appreciate those moments at the time.I have had the same principles within my business always wanting to create more sell more and not appreciating the opportunities that were being offered to me at the time.  I am mindful now that I should recognise progress even the  achievements. By appreciating incremental successes, you can cultivate patience and build resilience over time.

I have this with customers too not realising the limitations that small businesses have, placing an order and expecting it the next day without comprehending that the items are handmade.

Whilst developing a brand I think its important that we set realistic expectations and understand that some things take time and that setbacks and challenges are a normal part of life. setting realistic expectations for yourself and others, helps us to acknowledge that progress may be gradual. By accepting this, we can foster patience and resilience in the face of obstacles.

Im saying all this whilst still waiting for the bus 40 minutes and waiting its certainly testing my patience but developing patience and resilience is a journey that requires practice and self-compassion. Being patient with yourself as you work on these qualities, and remember that setbacks are an opportunity for growth. With time and effort, you can nurture these essential traits and navigate life's challenges with greater ease and grace.

Quote of the week- To Lose Patience Is to Lose The Battle.

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